Solid Waste Management Applications Due

The Solid Waste Management Program provides grants, loans, or a combination of grants and loans for solid waste disposal, recycling, and waste tire projects. Applicants must clearly show how the project will advance the State’s solid waste management hierarchy; volume reduction at the source; recycling and reuse; use for energy production; and disposal in landfill […]

Community Development Block Grant Applications Due

Grant funds are available to cities and counties, which may apply on behalf of other non-profits or units of government. These grant funds help develop viable communities by providing funds for a wide range of community needs, including water and wastewater infrastructure, community centers, medical centers, workforce training, senior centers; and for industrial infrastructure that […]

Drinking Water & Sanitary/Storm Sewer Applications Due

The South Dakota DANR has several programs available to communities including: Consolidated Water Facilities Construction program, Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans, and Water Quality grants. DANR grants and loans are available to assist with community infrastructure projects, such as drinking water systems, waste water systems, storm water systems, and lake and […]

DOT Industrial Park & Agri Business Applications Due

The South Dakota Department of Transportation has developed a grant program to foster economic development and enhance community access in South Dakota. The program has three categorical purposes. The Industrial Park grants will be made to any local unit of government for the development of new or expanded access for new industry located within industrial […]

Local Infrastructure Improvement Program (LIIP) Applications Due

The LIIP program provides grants to local development corporations, tribal governments, municipalities, counties, or other political subdivisions to construct or reconstruct public infrastructure such as roads, water, sewer associated with an identified economic development project. This program is administered by the SD Governors Office of Economic Development. Applications are accepted January 31, April 30, July […]

State Water Plan Applications Due

Units of government, non-profits, lake associations, and rural water systems are eligible to list water, sewer, storm water, and lake and stream projects on the State Water Plan. A project must be listed on the State Water Plan in order to be eligible for grant and loan funds from DANR. Applications are accepted quarterly on […]

Solid Waste Management Applications Due

The Solid Waste Management Program provides grants, loans, or a combination of grants and loans for solid waste disposal, recycling, and waste tire projects. Applicants must clearly show how the project will advance the State’s solid waste management hierarchy; volume reduction at the source; recycling and reuse; use for energy production; and disposal in landfill […]

Drinking Water & Sanitary/Storm Sewer Applications Due

The South Dakota DANR has several programs available to communities including: Consolidated Water Facilities Construction program, Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans, and Water Quality grants. DANR grants and loans are available to assist with community infrastructure projects, such as drinking water systems, waste water systems, storm water systems, and lake and […]

DOT Community Access, Industrial Park & Agri Business Applications Due

The South Dakota Department of Transportation has developed a grant program to foster economic development and enhance community access in South Dakota. The program has three categorical purposes. The Industrial Park grants will be made to any local unit of government for the development of new or expanded access for new industry located within industrial […]

Local Infrastructure Improvement Program (LIIP) Applications Due

The LIIP program provides grants to local development corporations, tribal governments, municipalities, counties, or other political subdivisions to construct or reconstruct public infrastructure such as roads, water, sewer associated with an identified economic development project. This program is administered by the SD Governors Office of Economic Development. Applications are accepted January 31, April 30, July […]