
Northeast Council of Governments assists governmental entities and nonprofit groups in the development and implementation of community and economic development activities. NECOG offers guidance through the planning process; including preparation and submittal of funding applications and professional administration of awarded grants and loans. Several common funding programs available in our region are listed below. The following list of programs is not comprehensive and the eligibility and rules can change frequently. Please contact our office for specific information such as deadlines and eligibility.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

CDBG grant funds are available to cities and counties, which may apply on behalf of other non-profits or units of government. Examples of eligible projects include improvements to or construction of: water and sewer infrastructure, fire halls, community centers, health care clinics or hospitals, libraries, and rural water expansion projects. Funds are also available to local governments to assist businesses with the creation of new jobs. Funds may be used for infrastructure to serve new or expanding businesses. This program has income eligibility requirements for all applicants.

USDA Rural Development

Grants and loans are available to construct, enlarge, or improve community facilities; to construct, repair, or expand water and/or wastewater systems; or for private business and industry acquisitions, construction, modernization, equipment, machinery, start-up costs, and working capital. Loan and grant ratios and rates are based on ability to pay and median household income.

Economic Development Association (EDA)

EDA established assistance programs which are available to rural and urban areas that are experiencing high unemployment, low income, or other severe economic distress caused by events such as natural disasters, closure of military installations or other Federal facilities, changing trade patterns, or depletion of natural resources. The purpose of the program is to generate jobs, help retain existing jobs, and stimulate growth in economically-distressed areas of the United States. Grants are provided to EDA-designated areas to help industries and businesses that generate long-term private jobs having a regional impact. The types of projects typically funded in our region are water, sewer, and access roads located in industrial parks, and business incubator buildings.

Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR)

The South Dakota DANR has several programs available to communities including: Consolidated Water Facilities Construction program, Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans, and Water Quality grants. DANR grants and loans are available to assist with community infrastructure projects, such as drinking water systems, waste water systems, storm water systems, and lake and stream projects. Projects must be listed on the State Water Plan to be eligible to apply.

State Water Plan

Units of government, non-profits, lake associations, and rural water systems are eligible to list water, sewer, storm water, and lake and stream projects on the State Water Plan. A project must be listed on the State Water Plan in order to be eligible for grant and loan funds from DANR. Applications are accepted quarterly on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and October 1st of each year.

Small Community Planning Grant

Provides grants to communities with populations of 2,500 or less for the purpose of hiring an engineering firm to complete a system wide water or sewer study. It also can be used for completing a water or sewer rate analysis. Applications are accepted year-round.

Solid Waste Management

The Solid Waste Management Program provides grants, loans, or a combination of grants and loans for solid waste disposal, recycling, and waste tire projects. Applicants must clearly show how the project will advance the State’s solid waste management hierarchy; volume reduction at the source; recycling and reuse; use for energy production; and disposal in landfill or combustion for volume reduction. Show potential cost savings, public health, or environmental benefits in solid waste management, waste tire management, or waste tire processing for energy production; and develop a detailed workplan, time schedule, budget, and provisions for a final report. Eligible applicants include: individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies, corporations, counties, cooperatives, municipalities, regional or state-wide planning agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes, or special purpose districts that have the authority to construct or operate solid waste, waste tire, or recycling facilities.

Department of Transportation Community Access Grant Program

This program assists towns smaller than 5,000 in population to construct/reconstruct main streets, the road to elevator, school, business district, etc. In addition to the Community Access Grant program, grants are also available for industrial park access streets for new or expanding businesses and/or agri-business industries. Grants are available on a competitive basis to local units of government and a local match is required.

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

The HMGP provides grants to States and local governments so they can develop hazard mitigation plans and rebuild in a way that reduces, or mitigates, future disaster losses in their communities. This grant funding is available after a presidentially declared disaster. All  state, local and tribal governments must develop and adopt hazard mitigation plans to receive funding for hazard mitigation project application.

Building Resilient Infrastructure Communities (BRIC)

The BRIC program provides funds to states, local communities and tribes for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards. BRIC’s funding structure allows for application opportunities for State allocation and National Competition.  The program supports communities through capability and capacity building; encouraging and enabling innovation; promoting partnerships; enabling large infrastructure projects; maintaining flexibility; and providing consistency.

Local Infrastructure Improvement Program (LIIP)

The LIIP program provides grants to local development corporations, tribal governments, municipalities, counties, or other political subdivisions to construct or reconstruct public infrastructure such as roads, water, sewer associated with an identified economic development project. This program is administered by the SD Governors Office of Economic Development.

Recreation Trails Program

The mission of the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks Recreational Trails Program is to solicit and encourage support from the private and public sector, which will facilitate the preservation and protection of our natural resources for parks and wildlife, and provide expanded recreational access opportunities for the people of South Dakota and their guests. Eligible projects include: maintenance and restoration of trails, trail bridges, and signs; development or rehabilitation of trailside or trailhead facilities that have a direct relationship with the recreational trail; construction of new trails; trail accessibility studies; and educational projects.

Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)

LWCF provides federal financial assistance for the acquisition and development of outdoor recreation land and facilities. South Dakota political subdivisions (city, county, township) and tribal governments are eligible to apply for LWCF grants. Funds are available every other year. LWCF grants require a 50 percent applicant contribution. Eligible projects include but are not limited to: ball fields, park roads, amphitheaters, boat ramps, fishing facilities, lighting, landscaping, ice rinks, golf courses, restroom buildings, trails, etc.